At PATboard, we are ambitious to make people enthusiastic about the agile business world of scrum, kanban and lean. We believe that these agile methods will boost every project and will lead businesses to be more successful. Our mission People Are Talents (PAT), and at PATboard we create physical agile tools that allow people to get the best out of themselves and their team. With our agile tools, you can create an overview of all the tasks of your project, which improves visibility for all stakeholders. By using physical agile tools, your team will work more efficiently, deliver higher quality and perhaps most importantly: have more fun! Our ultimate mission is to boost your team’s performance, communication and creativity, with our physical tools. What are the bonuses of working with a physical board? Making your project visual by creating a simple overview of your tasks with the help of a physical board will activate and stimulate your team. A board that you can actually touch and interact with will not only stimulate team communication and collaboration, but it will also boost creativity. In addition, the physical scrum or kanban board will leave your team with a feeling of achievement, every time a task can be moved from the ‘’To do’’ column to the ‘’Done’’ column. After a task is finished, your team can immediately see what needs to be done next. This way, the team efficiency increases and no time will be lost! The product assortment of PATboard To facilitate the need for a physical scrum board and bring more fun to workplaces, the PATboard team (full of agile enthusiasts) has designed a range of colorful and durable tools that support the idea. You can find everything you need to create your own personal scrum or kanban board in our store, including magnetic sticky notes: TASKcards, STORYcards, IMPEDIMENTcards, and COLUMNcards, and column dividers PATlanes. The magnetic cards can be reused after every sprint, because you can easily clean them with water. Like this, you can stop wasting paper by throwing away sticky notes after every use. Reusing PATboard products is better for the environment!The cards don’t fall off your board, the ink doesn’t smudge, they are stackable, and thanks to the tab on the corner of each card it is easy to take them from the board and place them somewhere else. We design and manufacture our own products with passion to give them the best looks, and by doing this we ensure top quality to all our customers. | |
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